80s Tribute Cover Band

0 Review Melbourne , VIC Phone:03 8738 8530


Melbourne 80s Tribute Cover Band is a throwback from yesteryear and dedicated to delivering a true 80s experience.

The 80s was an era where music had substance and style and was the dawning of the New Romantics, the explosion of synthesisers, electronic drum kits and gravity defying hair. It was a generation that cared for the future and wanted an end to nuclear threats and starving nations.

Melbourne 80s Tribute Cover Band is an experience that stays true to the sounds and image of the 80s, using the exact instruments from the era to reproduce the songs as they were recorded. If you desire to be taken back to the days the where faces of Cyndi Lauper, Duran Duran or David Bowie plastered your walls, forget the DeLorean, Totally 80s is the band you're looking for for a journey back to this magical time.

If you enjoyed singing along to Countdown, Top of the Pops or the latest vinyl or cassette purchased from Brashs, you will love this 80s live performances. Audience participation is a must, so dust off your pastels, neon, Ra Ra skirts and Hyper-colour T-shirts, and Melbourne 80s Tribute Cover Band will have you recalling dance moves learnt copying video clips and perfected on the dance floors of Blue Light Discos.


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